There are two ways to format data in Tres: in a Table format or a Report format. Table format is simply fields you want to see in columns of data without any formatting, basically a raw data format. Report format allows you to take that same data and group, sort, sub-total and total the data.
Note: Report Builder is currently available in Trips.
Skip To:
- Pre-Defined Reports
- Customizing Reports
- Summary Count Column
- Sample Level 1 Report
- Sample Level 2 Report
Pre-Defined Reports
Pre-Defined Reports allow users to select a pre-defined report and have the columns and fields auto populated. Learn more about Pre-Defined Reports.
Customizing Reports
The processing of the report data happens in a specific sequence:
- Define your fields.
- GroupBy/Aggregate
- Sort
- Break/SubTotal
- GrandTotal
Take a few moments before building a report to visualize what data you need and how you want to view it. This planning process will help you as you start building your report.
The basics of the report builder are the fields of data you want to use in a column format. Click Mange Views > Column Customization. Check off the box for Report Builder on the top right of the screen. This will expand the column area, displaying additional fields and settings along each row to create your report.
- Column: The field you want to use for the report. Column numbers indicate the Field/Column position from left to right when the report is displayed.
- Display Name: When a field is displayed on the report it uses the system field name. To create custom header name for the data, type in the name as you would like it to appear in the header of your report. If no data is entered in this field, the column will default to the name of the filter selected in the column dropdown. Note: When creating a 2 level report, columns that are totaled from the top and sub levels must have the same Display Name entered to calculate correctly.
- Column Width %: Adjust the width of columns by entering a number in this field. Column widths are calculated per break. Leaving this field blank will size each column equally. If only one column width is entered, all other columns will evenly split up to 100%.
- Sort Direction: Allows you to show the data in Ascending or Descending order and can be used with the sort order.
- Sort Order: To create a sort priority and use sub sorting with in your report you will add numeric values in your sort order column. An Example would be a Client report listing reservations. If you want a primary sort by client and then sort reservation by start date, put a 1 in sort order of the Trip Client and a 2 in the sort order column on the same row as the Reservation Start Date. If no sort order is specified, data will be sorted in the order that the columns are listed.
Flags: Further define you the way the data shows or does not show on the report
- Group by: Used to create summary level data where detailed data will not be shown. When using a Group by it is important to define how you want the other fields to show, which you define using the Aggregate field.
- Break: Allows you to create a 2-level report where the first level is summary data and expands to show detailed data related to the summary level. You list the fields you want to see if the first level of the report. Use the Break flag in the row of the last column you want on the summary level of the report. A new set of child rows are created for subsequent columns each time the value of this column changes.
- Total: Used for numerical fields to create a total at the bottom of the report.
- Hidden: This is a field that is used by the report but will not show. Most used together with the hyperlink URL column or for sorting and grouping.
Aggregate: Operations to use on columns that are not using the grouped by Flag. In order to specify an aggregate function, the underlying column datatype must be numeric. When aggregates are used, any non-aggregate columns will automatically be part of the Group By clause.
- Sum: The column will contain the total of the values for this column within the grouped set of rows – used at the detail level of a multi-level report.
- Min: The column will contain the minimum value for this column within the grouped set of rows.
- Max: The column will contain the maximum value for this column within the grouped set of rows.
- Avg: The column will contain the average value for this column within the grouped set of rows.
- Count: The column will contain the number of distinct instances of the value for this column within the grouped set of rows. Use care to specify a column that is guaranteed to be unique, like recNo, in order to assure an accurate count.
- Merge: Used with string values; the column will contain the list of values within the grouped set of rows, separated by a comma.
- Total: Indicates that the column should copy the sub-total value of an identically named (display name) column at the next level - used at the summary level of a multi-level report.
Calculation Operator: This column is used to adjust the date displayed in a report from the full date, first day of the month, or the first day of the year.
- Date only: will display the full date. Example: a Trip Start Date of 4/15/24 will display as 4/15/24.
- First Day of the Month: will display the date based on the first date of the month. Example: a Trip Start Date of 4/15/24 will display as 4/1/24.
- First Day of the Year: will display the date based on the first date of the year. Example: a Trip Start Date of 4/15/24 will display as 1/1/24.
- HyperlinkUrl: This column is used to create a hyperlink from your report to the detail related to the data in the report. You can currently link from the report to a Client, Trip, or Advisor. In order to do this, you must include the record number as a field in your report.
Include this field as a hidden field | Add this hyperlink on the row of data you wish to make a link | |
Link to a Client | Trip Client Profile Rec No | {baseUrl}/client-profiles/detail/{clientProfileRecNo} |
Link to an Advisor | Trip Advisor Profile Rec No | {baseUrl}/advisor-profiles/detail/{advisorProfileRecNo} |
Link to a Trip | Trip Number | {baseUrl}/trips/detail/{RecNo} |
Link to a Reservation | Reservation Number | {baseUrl}/trips/detail/{recNo}/reservations/detail/{reservationRecNo} |
Link to a Supplier | Reservation Supplier Profile Record Number | {baseUrl}/supplier-profiles/detail/{reservationSupplierProfileRecNo} |
Summary Count Column
There’s a new column available called Summary Count that will always represent the count of child rows for a given row. Use Summary Count when you want to see both the child row details and the count of child rows as a column.
Sample Level 1 Report
For this example, let's create a report for trips created in February of 2024 sorted in ascending order by the date the reservation was created.
Select the Trip Created Date Range filter and enter a start date of 2/1/2024 and an end date of 2/29/2024.
Click Manage Views > Column Customization.
Check the box for Report builder to expand the section.
Enter the field data from the screenshot below. Note the Reservation Date Created column is hidden from the results, but we include it in this list so that we can sort the results in ascending order by this column.
Click Apply and then click Search to generate the report.
Save the report by clicking Manage Views > Save as a New View.
A popup will appear allowing you to enter a report name, set the view to private or public, and mark as the default view. Click Save New View.
Sample Level 2 Report
For this example, let's create a report for trips created in 2024 grouped by Client. On the first level we want to see the number of trips and the total fare of all trips taken by the client during 2024. Expanding the Client row will display the name of the Trip along with the start/end dates and total fare of the individual trip. We also want the client name and trip name to be hyperlinks so that when clicked they open new tabs to the client profile and trip respectively.
Select the Trip Created Date Range filter and enter a start date of 1/1/2024 and an end date of 12/31/2024.
Click Manage Views > Column Customization.
Check the box for Report builder to expand the section.
Enter the field data from the screenshot below. Hyperlink data is found above.
- Include the Trip RecNo and Trip Client Profile RecNo fields and flag as hidden to activate hyperlinks in the Client and Trip Name fields.
- Flag the Trip Total Fare in the first level as Break, indicating that is the last column of the first level.
- Set the same Display Name of the Trip Total Fare in the first and second levels so that the system will know which columns to total.
Click Apply and then click Search to generate the report.
Save the report by clicking Manage Views > Save as a New View.
A popup will appear allowing you to enter a report name, set the view to private or public, and mark as the default view. Click Save New View.