The Commission Pay Reconciliation feature provides the ability to import a file containing commission payment information and match the payments with reservations in Tres. This feature is only available to use with Onyx and Paymode at this time.
Reservations that are paid by Onyx or Paymode can be modified if information differs between the imported file and the existing Tres Reservations. Once the Commission Pay Reconciliation process is completed, reconciled reservations will be closed with the payment details from the file, a new Trip will be created with reservations built for any unreconciled items and will be closed with the payment as well.
Users with the proper permissions see the Commission Pay Reconciliation under the Reconciliations Main menu.
Commission Pay Reconciliation Search
Selecting Commission Pay Reconciliation from the Reconciliations screen brings the user to the Commission Pay Reconciliation search screen. Here users look for past reconciliations or reconciliations in progress using the Payment Date Range and Reconciled filters.
Existing Reconciliations can be deleted. For completed reconciliations this voids the payment and reopen the supplier side of the reservations. For Reconciliations in progress, deleting removes the work for this reconciliation to date.
Confirm Delete.
New Commission Pay Reconciliation
To start a new reconciliation, click the Add Payment Reconciliation button from the Commission Pay Reconciliation search screen.
Import Onyx or Paymode .txt file.
Click browse to find your file, select your supplier (make sure this is already created before your first reconciliation), select the payment date and click Save Reconciliation. The Pay Method and the Check/EFT number will be read from the file.
The reconciliation is now saved in an “In Progress” state. The lines in the grid that displays are the file records. During the Upload/Save process Tres reviews the records in the file and compares it to reservations within Tres and attempts to automatically reconcile records that match.
The reservations being matched must be Track Client Payment set to No, have the same Travel Category, and same Status (Confirmed or Cancelled). Tres will then match based on a Confirmation number. If a match is not found on Confirmation the process moves to a secondary match process of looking at the following fields in reservations:
- Traveler Name match first 4 chars of the name in the file
- Depart Date within +/- 3 days of date in the file
- Supplier Name
When Tres finds a match, the Status will be marked as Reconciled. Items listed as Unreconciled are records that Tres could not find a match. These items can be manually reconciled. See Manual Reconciliation section. There are 2 other Status values: Duplicates and Multiples.
Duplicates indicates there are more that one record that match with the same Tres Reservation. Delete the extra record in the file.
A Status of Multiples indicates that there More than one Tres Reservation matching a record. This indicates the Reservation was interfaced or entered more than once. One of the bookings should be marked with zero total fare and commission in Tres or should be deleted altogether.
Deleting a Record from the Grid
Click the check box on the line to be deleted. The delete button will active and when clicked will delete the row. Use this option to delete transactions that have zero amounts that are not to be recorded, or items that have a status of Duplicate that should be removed in order to make the correct items match.
Save Reconciliation
Use the Save Reconciliation to save changes along the reconciliation process. This will save the reconciliation so the user can save current work and come back to it at a later time without having to redo all the steps. The reconciliation will show in the search screen with a Reconciled Status of No.
Save and Create Payment
This is used to complete the Commission Pay Reconciliation once all items possible have been either automatically or manually reconciled. All unreconciled items are added as reservations to a new trip that is created. A payment is created for the total amount in the file and the supplier balances will be closed for all reservations related to the reconciliation.