New Feature - Travel Sub-Categories for Reservations and Sub Reservations
- Added a new tile to Settings for Travel Sub-Categories, allowing users to search, reorder, email/export/print, and add new Travel Sub-Categories.
- Added a new dropdown for Sub-Category to Reservations and Sub Reservations.
- This dropdown will only appear when the selected Travel Category has Sub-Categories created in Settings > Travel Sub-Categories..
- Options will appear in the order set in Settings > Travel Sub-Categories.
- Added a filter in the Trips search screen for Reservation Travel Sub-Category with the ability to select multiple options in the dropdown.
- This filter is available in all cross area searches.
- Added a column in the Trips search screen for Reservation Travel Sub-Category.
New Feature - Supplier and Provider Images
- Added a new tab called Images to the Supplier profile screen, allowing users to upload image files and links associated with a Supplier.
- Images are available for all Supplier types (Billing and Service Providers).
- Uploaded images include the "Viewable By" dropdown with options for Anyone, Client and and Agency Only. Anyone is selected by default.
- Reorder the order of images by drag and drop.
- Added a column in the Suppliers search screen for Images displaying the number of images in the Supplier profile.
Enhancements to Client Itinerary
- Reservation level images will display on the Client Itinerary for the following Events: Car (Pickup), Hotel (Check-in), Transfer, Excursion, Tour, Miscellaneous, Rail (1st Event generated from first rail segment), Cruise (Embark) and Insurance.
- At this time Reservation level images will not be displayed for Air Events
- The Event header will display an image icon when an image(s) exists
- Images will display as thumbnails inside the expanded Event. When clicked, thumbnail images will display in pop-up expanded view.
- Images from Provider and Suppliers that are tied to a Reservation will display on the Client Itinerary in a future release.
Enhancements to Other Areas
- Removed the character limit on the Notes field in Actions for Travelers.
- Payments and Travelers are included in the Recent Items section of Quick Search.
- Embark/Disembark Date and Embark/Disembark Time fields will only auto populate from the segments after the trip is saved and if the embark/disembark date and time fields are left blank.
- Added new columns in the Trips search screen for Trip Tags-All and Reservation Tags-All.
- All tag names and values will display in the column results.
- Added a checkbox for Override GST on Commission in Reservations for Canadian versions of the program, allowing users to manually enter data in the GST on Commission Amount and GST on Commission % fields.
- This box is unchecked by default.
Bug Fixes
- Fixed an issue in Cruise Reservations where the disembark date displays the incorrect date when two segments have different arrive dates.
- Fixed an issue in Destinations where the system would throw an error when importing a file.
- Fixed an issue with Trips added through Quick Add where the "Include Destination Images" checkbox was unchecked by default.
Click here for a list of Tres Known Issues.