Enhancements to Recommended Fields
- Recommended fields are now implemented in Trips, Clients, Travelers, Quick Add Trip & Reservation, Quick Add Client & Traveler, and Profile Import. The following fields can be set as recommended:
- Trips - Trip Name, Destination, Advisor, Branch, Start Date, End Date, Client Name.
- Clients - InterfaceID, Branch, Advisor.
- Travelers - First Name, Last Name, Date of Birth - MM/DD, Date of Birth Year - YYYY, Email Address, Phone Number, Advisor.
- Fields set as recommended will display a green checkbox next to the field name.
- A warning message will display when a user tries to save on a screen that includes recommended fields that have been left blank.
- This warning will also appear when adding a Trip, Client, or Traveler through Quick Add and clicking Save and Next.
Enhancements to Report Builder
- Added a new column for Calculation Operator with three options are available in the dropdown:
- Date only - will display the full date. Example: a Trip Start Date of 4/15/24 will display as 4/15/24.
- First Day of the Month - will display the date based on the first date of the month. Example: a Trip Start Date of 4/15/24 will display as 4/1/24.
- First Day of the Year - will display the date based on the first date of the year. Example: a Trip Start Date of 4/15/24 will display as 1/1/24.
Enhancements to Other Areas
- Added the following additional merge fields to Email Templates.
- Trips - Trip Destination, Earliest Final Payment Date, Trip Target Travel Date, Earliest Deposit Date, Primary Traveler First Name, Primary Traveler Last Name
- Clients - New Traveler Form Link, Primary Traveler First Name, Primary Traveler Last Name
- Added "Billing and Service Provider" as an option in the Type filter in the Suppliers search screen.
- Changed the default sort order of certain Marketing Codes in Travelers and Clients.
- Implemented permission rules for importing Action Plans. Imports by Admins and Mangers will import as public. All views imported by basic Users will import as private.
- Added new columns for InterfaceID and Advisor Tag to the Advisors search screen.
- Hovering over the Profile icon in the top navigation menu now displays the user name, agency name, and agency domain.
- InterfaceID sizes are now dynamic and display the full data. This change is implemented in Client, Supplier, and Advisor profiles.
- Supplier Remarks now display line breaks correctly on the Invoice for Commission.
- Users with All Users unchecked in their Advisors permissions will now only see the Advisors associated with their User profile in the Advisors search screen.
Bug Fixes
- Fixed an issue with users being unable to print the Supplier Statement.
- Fixed an issue with Cruise Reservations imported through SigCruisePro not displaying the depart city in the Reservation details until the page was refreshed.
- Fixed an issue with printing the IAR Reconciliation and Balance Sheet.
- Fixed an issue with attached Trip Statements set to viewable by agency only appearing on the Client Itinerary.
- Fixed an issue with the Supplier filters of Travel Category and Type not functioning in the Payments search screen.
Click here for a list of Tres Known Issues.