Advisors are the individual agents that are actively booking travel for your agency. Keep advisor contact and general information in this area.
Quick Links:
Search Advisors
Search for advisors using the search bubbles for advisor name, or tag. Results are sorted in ascending or descending order by clicking on the arrow buttons to the right of any column headers. Clicking on a line item will take you directly to the advisor details screen in a new window.
Further define search results by utilizing operators. Operators are available in certain filters, and allow users to narrow search data. Current operators include: Equal, Not Equal, Blank, Not Blank, Starting With, and Contains.
Delete multiple advisor records by checking the box next to the records you wish to delete and then clicking the Delete button. Learn more about deleting multiple records.
Customize your columns by clicking the Manage Columns button. Learn more about managing columns.
Email, export to pdf, or print a physical copy your search results by clicking the appropriate buttons.
Add a New Advisor
To add a new advisor click +Add Advisor.
Add general advisor information including Advisor Name and Status (Active or Inactive).
An advisor can be linked to a traveler record by using the Link Traveler field. Click here and search by the traveler name and select the traveler you wish to link. Learn how to add a new traveler.
If your agency has enabled the New Client/Traveler Form feature, a field with a url will be displayed after the advisor is successfully saved. This link opens an advisor branded version of the New Client/Traveler Form if a logo and/or primary color has been selected for the advisor.
Enter default commission rates for each reservation category. This will automatically populate in reservations that the advisor reports but can be edited from the reservation.
Add unlimited communications such as phone, email, social media, or website information.
Add a physical address with the option to include a mailing address.
Add Tags, Interface IDs by using the appropriate add button (+) in each section.
- Note: An Interface ID is a unique identifier assigned to the advisor profile to identify this advisor for use with another application. Tags are a way to identify something and use that identification to search in the future. Examples: Group 1; Group 2; Sherry’s; LA Times; etc. Learn more about Tags.
Add remarks.
Set up advisor specific branding by uploading a logo and headshot, and choosing a primary color. Upload a logo and/or headshot by dragging and dropping it or clicking the Browse button to search for it on your computer. Supported file formats are .jpg and .png, and there is a maximum file size limit of 2MB.
Once you have uploaded your logo and/or headshot, you can preview them before saving.
Choose your primary color by either selecting a color via the color selector or entering a HEX value. This color is currently used on the Trip Statement and Client Statement.
Enter an advisor specific brand name in the Branding Name field and select a default Address from the dropdown menu. If "No Address" is selected, no address will be shown on the Trip Statement. If "Advisor Address" is selected, the Mailing Address and Branding Name of the Advisor profile will be displayed. If there's no Mailing Address in the Advisor profile, the Physical Address will be displayed, and if there are no addresses in the Advisor profile, an address will not be shown on the Trip Statement. If “Branch Address” is selected, the Branch address will be shown on the Trip Statement. If “Agency Address” is selected, the Agency address will be shown on the Trip Statement.
Click Save All at the top right corner of the screen.
Advisor Attachments/Links
Add any attachment by clicking + Add Attachment/Link. This will open up a pop up. To add attachments, simply drag and drop or browse for the file on your computer.
To add a link, enter the url and a description in the appropriate fields and then click Submit. Links to content are preferred as they are dynamic and take up less space in your system. Once the content is changed, the dynamic link in the client record is automatically updated.
Note: We recommend including the upload date when naming attachments and links. (Example: 5/1/22 Smith Independent Contractor Agreement).
To view a saved attachment or link, click on the appropriate button in the Action column. Attachments will be downloaded to your device.