To add a new payment, click the + Add Payment button at the top right of the screen. Select the type of payment you wish to record. Other payments are payments to or from Other Profiles and are generally not associated with trips and reservations. Learn more about Other Profiles. We will review the Client/Supplier option below.
Enter the payment information: Paid By (Client, Supplier, or Agency) and Paid To (Client, Supplier, or Agency).
Enter the Payment Date, Amount, and Method (Cash, Check, EFT, Credit Card, Other).
Depending on the Payment Type, other fields will populate that need to be filled in.
Note: If the payment method is credit card, you can add a new credit card entry from this screen without having to go back to the traveler record. This instance is treated as a one time charge, and the card information entered will not save to the traveler record.
Next apply the payment to reservation(s) by clicking Link Reservations. This generates a popup.
Enter data into the filters and click Search to pull up a list of available reservations in your system. Reservations will only show in your search results if their status is Confirmed. Learn more about reservations.
Check the boxes next to each reservation you wish to apply this payment to.
Note: Clicking on any items in the Client Name, Trip Name, Confirmation No, or Supplier columns will open open full details in a new tab.
Adjust the amounts in the Applied field until the Unapplied Payment Amount shows $0.00. The applied amounts should equal the amount previously entered in the Amount field in the Payment Information section.
Click Link Selected Reservations.
Unlink a reservation by checking off the box next to it and clicking Unlink Selected Reservations.
Add Tags and Remarks.
Note: A Tag is way to identify something and use that identification to search in the future. Learn more about Tags.
Click Save & Next at the top right corner of the screen. The page will refresh with a new payment screen with certain fields carried over, making it easy to add additional payments.
Payments Attachments/Links
Add any attachment by clicking + Add Attachment/Link. This will open up a pop up. To add attachments, simply drag and drop or browse for the file on your computer.
To add a link, enter the url and a description in the appropriate fields and then click Submit. Links to content are preferred as they are dynamic and take up less space in your system. Once the content is changed, the dynamic link in the client record is automatically updated.
Note: We recommend including the upload date when naming attachments and links. (Example: 5/1/22 Smith Receipt).
To view a saved attachment or link, click on the appropriate button in the Action column. Attachments will be downloaded to your device.