Tags are used to store information that is not stored elsewhere in Tres. They are searchable, and are a vital part of Tres. They are flexible and have few limitations, making them very useful to all advisors.
Tags can be used to indicate marketing preferences at the agency level, but are very different from marketing codes. Marketing codes are fixed to the options set by consortia and cannot be changed by the user. They are also only available for clients and travelers. Tags are much more flexible and are set at the agency level, and are available for use in many of the major areas of Tres including Clients, Travelers, Advisors, Suppliers, Trips, Reservations, Sub Reservations, Payments, and Activities.
Admin users can organize and keep track of all tags and limit which areas they can be used in from the Settings menu.
Adding and Organizing New Tags
Tags are organized and created in Settings under the Tags menu. Navigating to this area will display the full list of tags currently created by your agency. The list can be sorted in ascending or descending order by any column by clicking the arrow button to the right of the column title.
Delete multiple tags by checking the box next to the records you wish to delete and then clicking the Delete button. Learn more about deleting multiple records.
Export or import a list of tags as a .json file with the Export and Import buttons. This allows users to share tag lists between Tres domains. See Exporting and Importing .json Files in Tres.
Click +Add Tag to enter a new tag from a new screen.
Enter the tag name and set tag requirements. The tag requirement is set to optional by default. Select mandatory to have the tag auto populate to new entries in your program. Users will be unable to successfully save an entry without this tag. Tags set to recommended will also auto populate to new entries in your program, but users will be allowed to save an entry without using them.
Enter a default value that will populate in the tag. Note: the value entered into this field must also be entered into the Tag Value Table field.
If you wish to limit the usage of a tag to certain areas of Tres, use the Limit Usage To These Areas dropdown menu and select the areas you want the tag to be available in. Leaving this area unchecked will let the tag be used in all areas of Tres.
Enter a list of tag values as a new line for each item. Example: if your tag name is Allergies, you might list the values as Peanuts, Shellfish, and Dairy.
Checking the box for Allow Freeflow will allow users in your system to create their own tag values rather than restrict them to the options entered.
Leaving the box for Allow Freeflow unchecked will allow users in your system to enter a tag with multiple values. The value dropdown menu will display checkboxes next to each value that can be selected. (Example: you have a tag called Allergies. It has multiple values of peanut, gluten, shellfish, dairy. If you have a client with a gluten and dairy allergy, you can now create a single Allergies tag with both the gluten and dairy values listed. The tag would be formatted as Allergies: gluten, dairy.)
Checking the box for Value Required will ensure that users enter a tag name and value rather than just a tag name.
Add an optional description.
Click Save All.
To edit an existing tag, click on the line item with the tag you wish to modify. Make any edits and click Save All to save your changes. If an existing tag's area of usage is edited to exclude an area, the tag will not be removed from the profile, but users will no longer be able to search by that tag in the search area.
Note: Inactive tags will not be accessible in search screens or details.
To delete an individual tag, click on the line item with the tag you wish to delete. Click the Delete Tag button.
This will generate a popup asking if you are sure you want to delete the tag (as you cannot undo this action). Click Yes, Delete to delete the tag and be taken back to your list of tags. Click No, Cancel to go back to the tag details.
Note: Tags cannot be deleted if they are used in multiple areas of Tres.
Tags and UDIDs.
If you are converting data, UDIDs convert as Tags. There is a limitation on what can be updated: the tag name must be only one word. The interface process interprets the first word as the tag name, and anything following a whitespace character as the data. For example:
- 5.S*UDTAGNAME DATA interfaces with the tag "TAGNAME" and "DATA" as the tag content.
- 5.S*UDTAG NAME DATA interfaces with the tag "TAG", and "NAME DATA" as the tag content.
The Tag name will need to be updated after conversion.
Add a Tag
Click here to learn how to add a Tag in Tres.
Tag Examples
Clients / Travelers
Tag Type | Tag Values |
What Budget? | High, Low, 10-20K |
What Interests? | Adventure, Wine, Equestrian |
Marketing Source | Bridal Show, Facebook, Referral |
Referred By | Social Media, Website, Word of Mouth |
Tag Type | Tag Values |
Allergies | Nuts, Dairy, Gluten, Shellfish |
Medical Conditions | Free Flow |
Seating Preference | First Class, Business Class, Premium Economy, Economy Plus, Economy Main Cabin |
Tag Type | Tag Values |
What Niche? | Family, Luxury, Cruise |
What Level? | Silver, Gold, Platinum |
Certifications | Free Flow |
Employment Status | Full Time, Part Time |
Tag Type | Tag Values |
Commission Level | High, Low, Medium |
Itinerary Collaborator? | Yes, No |
Destination | Costa Rica, Europe, Worldwide |
Cruise Market Type | Ocean, River, Yacht, Expedition, Premium, Luxury, Mainstream |
Trips / Reservations / Sub Reservations
Tag Type | Tag Values |
Group | Smith Wedding, Jones Family Reunion |
Special Needs? | Yes, No |
Marketing Source |
Bridal Show, Facebook, Referral |
Tag Type | Tag Values |
Appointment Type | Phone, Web, In Person |