Sabre offers its users an option to issue service fees using the agency's merchant credit card account instead of ARC MCO's. For agencies that have chosen to use this option, the Sabre MISF command creates an OTH segment for the service fee and a related accounting line.
To ensure that these service fees are interfaced to the correct travel type, include #O**TT followed by the service fee travel type as set up in TBO. For example, to interface a service fee to travel type 11 (the default service fee travel type):
The #O** can be followed by any additional interface data that you would like to have included in the accounting line and it can be combined with other Sabre formats, such as XSF. Separate each descriptor code element with an asterisk ("*"), for example:
For more information about the MISF command, check Sabre's format finder. For information about using descriptor codes, check the Trams Help File.