ClientBase Windows Commission Tracking
Using Trams Crystal Reports
The ClientBase Commission Tracking Report for TCR (Trams Crystal Reports) is a simplified way for agencies to monitor if commissions have been received from the vendor or host agency using ClientBase Windows.
Getting Ready to Use the Report
Trams Crystal Reports (TCR) must be installed and configured for the ClientBase Windows database. Specific fields in ClientBase Windows also need to be configured to effectively utilize the report.
Setting Up Trams Crystal Reports (TCR)
TCR is a free add-on for ClientBase Windows. It allows agencies to run more dynamic reports than those built into ClientBase Windows. If an agency is currently running TCR, no further setup is needed. If TCR is not currently being used, the installation file and instructions for set up can be found by clicking this link.
Setting Up ClientBase Windows
The report utilizes a field in each Res Card reservation to track the commission payment status. We recommend setting up a specific field value for this under Global Defaults | User Defined Fields in ClientBase Windows. Since the report can be run based on several criteria, including specific agents, branches and host travel agency, the options must be set up and used throughout ClientBase for accurate reporting.
Creating the Paid/Unpaid Status
To set up the User Defined Field for tracking, log into ClientBase Windows as the System Database Administrator (SYSDBA) or another user with access to the Global Defaults menu.
- Click on Global Defaults | General Setup | User Defined Fields.
- Choose Reservation Status from the Field drop-down menu.
- Uncheck the box Allow Free Flow.
- Click Add and type Paid.
- Click OK.
- Click Add and type Unpaid.
- Click OK.
- Click OK to save.
Set Up Host Codes
If the ClientBase user books through a “Host Agency,” create a “Host Code” for each of the agencies. This will make it possible to run the report to track commissions due from each host agency separately.
- Click on Global Defaults | Res Card Defaults | Host Codes.
- Click Add and enter a unique Code and Description for the host agency. We recommend keeping the host code both short and descriptive.
- Click OK, and repeat for each host agency that is used.
- Click OK to save.
Add Agent Interface ID
To run reports for specific agents, each agent profile must have a unique Interface ID assigned.
- In the Agent Profile check the Interface ID field to verify if you have an ID assigned.
- If no ID is found, enter a unique combination of letters or numbers to represent the agent. Many agencies use the agent’s initials or GDS agent ID.
Tracking Commissionable Bookings
The commission payment status for each reservation is tracked in the Res Card Reservation. This is also where the host agency, if applicable, is tracked.
- Complete the reservations fields for the current reservation.
- Choose the appropriate Reservation Status (generally, “Unpaid”) and Host Code. If commission is zero, leave the Reservation Status
- Continue using Res Cards as normal, generating invoices, trip documents, etc.
Recording Commissions when Received
- Edit the Reservation details to show the Reservation Status as “Paid.”
- If the commission received varies from what was initially entered, the amount can also be updated.
Running the Commission Tracking Report
- Open Trams Crystal Reports (TCR10)
- Choose the appropriate database alias
- Enter user name and password
- Choose the report file
- Click View Report
Selecting Report Criteria
The report can be run based on any of three date ranges. Many agencies will want to base this on either Depart or Return date
- Date the reservation was created
- Date the passengers departs
- Date the travelers return
Once the type of date is chosen in the Date Selection section, click on DateFrom and DateTo and choose the appropriate beginning and ending dates for the report.
The report can be run to show only bookings that have been paid, those that are unpaid, or all bookings during the selected date range.
- The report can be broken down to show all bookings (Agency)
- Bookings for a specific agent or group of agents (Agents)
- Specific branches (Branches)
Choose the appropriate filter. If running by a specific agent, branch or host, choose the parameter field and enter the appropriate information.
Note that the report can be printed or exported to a Tab Delimited file. Choosing Export to Tab Delimited file will create a file that can be opened using Excel or another spreadsheet program to further manipulate.
The report can be run to include all travel categories, or only reservations that fall into specific categories.
- Choose which travel categories to be included
- Click Add