Clients group travelers together for efficient communication, payment tracking, and marketing. In this article learn the basics of searching across your client list and how to add a new client.
Travelers vs. Clients: What's the difference?
Travelers and clients may sound similar, but they each have specific functions in Tres. Think of the travelers section as your online contact list. Store individual specific information about anyone associated with your business such as supplier sales reps, agency advisors, prospects, and of course, travelers.
Clients are how you link multiple traveler records under one umbrella as well as track trip and payment history.
Quick Links:
- Search Clients
- Adding a New Client
- Client Attachments/Links
- Client Payments
- Client Trips
- Client Actions
- Client Activities
- Client Marketing Codes
Search Clients
Search for clients using the default search bubbles for client name, type, branch, or advisors. Click + Add Filter if you wish to search by more fields. Results are sorted in ascending or descending order by any column by clicking the arrow button to the right of the column title. Resize columns by hovering over a column header until the column is highlighted and move to the outside edge of the column until your cursor changes to horizontal arrows. Click and hold to slide the edge of the column in either direction to the preferred size.
Further define search results by utilizing cross area filters and operators. Cross area filters allow users to select filters from another folder in Tres. Currently users are able to add filters from the Trips folder. Operators are available in certain filters, and allow users to narrow search data. Current operators include: Equal, Not Equal, Blank, Not Blank, Starting With, and Contains.
Delete multiple client records by checking the box next to the records you wish to delete and then clicking the Delete button. Learn more about deleting multiple records.
Modify multiple records at once by checking the box next to the records you wish to modify and then clicking the Modify button. Learn more about modifying records.
Customize your columns, create a new view, or update a current view by clicking the Manage Views button on the upper right side of the screen. Learn more about views.
Email, export to pdf, or print a physical copy your search results by clicking the appropriate buttons.
Adding a New Client
To add a new client, click the +Add Client button at the top right of the screen.
Add key general information including Type (Personal or Corporate), Client Name, Advisor, Branch, Status (Active or Inactive), Date of Anniversary, and Anniversary Note.
Enter optional Informal Salutation, a client's nickname or given name, as well as Formal Salutation.
Note: We recommend using the primary traveler's name when naming Personal clients starting with the last name. (Examples: Smith/John, Rodger/Randy, Jones/Brown/Taylor Girls Trip). When naming your clients, it is important to be consistent. This helps keep your database clean and prevents duplications. We recommend using a company name for Corporate clients. (Examples: Bob's Plumbing, Wax Works LLC, Hall Law Associates).
Add unlimited communications associated with the client. Enter Type (Phone, Email, Social Media, Web); Sub Type (free flow), Value (phone number, email address, or url), and Description. If the entry is a primary source of communication, check the Primary box. Checking off the Permit Marketing box will permit marketing.
Click Save after entering each new communication entry.
Example: Phone - Home - 505-555-9056
Note: Client Level communications are ones that are shared among multiple people such as a home phone or home email address. In today’s world, for Personal Client profiles, you may not have Client Level communications. If you are converting from ClientBase, communications that are not associated with a Traveler in a Leisure profile will convert as a Client level communication.
After you have associated travelers to the client, debit and credit card data of associated travelers will be displayed for easy access. You’ll learn how to associate travelers to a client below.
Note: For security purposes, all users will be prompted to reauthenticate their login information when unmasking or copying card data.
Add Tags, Interface ID/s, Physical Addresses, and Remarks by using the appropriate add button (+) in each section.
If the client has a different mailing address, check the Include Mailing Address box to open up more address fields.
Checking off the Permit Marketing box will permit marketing.
Note: An Interface ID is a unique identifier assigned to a client profile to identify this customer for use with another application. Tags are a way to identify something and use that identification to search in the future. Learn more about Tags.
If you are adding a corporate client, you will have the option to enter a travel policy. This is an internal note and will not be visible to the client.
Click Save All at the top right corner of the screen.
Once a new client has been saved successfully, a new field for Client Itinerary will appear in the General folder. Clicking Generate New Link creates a unique url to be sent to clients with detailed itineraries of their past and upcoming trips. Client Itinerary is currently a feature in progress.
Once a new client has been saved, a new section will appear at the bottom of the General sub folder for History. This tracks all the changes made to the client’s general info, communications, linked travelers, and tags.
Client Attachments/Links
Add any attachment by clicking + Add Attachment/Link. This will open up a pop up. To add attachments, simply drag and drop or browse for the file on your computer.
To add a link, enter the url and a description in the appropriate fields and then click Submit. Links to content are preferred as they are dynamic and take up less space in your system. Once the content is changed, the dynamic link in the client record is automatically updated.
Note: We recommend including the upload date when naming attachments and links. (Example: 5/1/22 Smith Viking Client Confirmation).
To view a saved attachment or link, click on the appropriate button in the Action column. Attachments will be downloaded to your device.
Client Payments
See all payments paid by or paid to this client. Results are sorted in ascending or descending order by any column by clicking the arrow button to the right of the column title. Click on any individual payment to view full payment details in a new tab. Learn more about Payments.
Client Trips
See all past, current, and upcoming trips of a client. Results are sorted in ascending or descending order by any column by clicking the arrow button to the right of the column title. Click on any individual trip to view full details in a new tab.
Click + Add Trip to add a new trip for the client. Learn more about Trips.
Client Actions
An Action is a to do connected to a client, while an Action Plan Templates contain multiple actions in a template form.
To add a new single action item, click Click + Add Action Item. To select an action item template, select from drop-down by Template Name and Click + Add from Template.
Delete multiple actions by checking the box next to the records you wish to delete and then clicking the Delete button. Learn more about deleting multiple records.
Click here to learn more about Actions and Action Plan Templates.
Client Activities
All activities associated with a client are found here. Results are sorted in ascending or descending order by any column by clicking the arrow button to the right of the column title. New activities are created directly from this screen by clicking + Add Activity and entering information in the pop up. Learn more about Activities.
Client Marketing Codes
See all marketing codes associated with a client as well as select or deselect codes. Codes are filtered by Affiliation by selecting an option from the affiliation dropdown menu. This populates only the codes available for that affiliation (usually a consortia). The codes are defined by the affiliations. For codes that are custom to your agency use Tags. Toggle between viewing all codes available or just the codes you've already selected for the client.