Interface Options
Allow Cash/Ck Payments |
Check this box to interface non-credit card payments through interface. Not recommended - consult before implementing. Check this too if a partial payment is being interfaced. Only one partial payment is allowed per booking. This payment applies to invoices at the invoice level and not the booking level. The entry for the GDS: Cash - *PP100.00*Cash Check - *PP100.00*Check*5432 CC Merchant - *PP100.00*4888000000006584/0504 |
Read Multiple Taxes |
By default, Trams Back Office maintains taxes in one lump sum. To track multiple taxes, place a check in this box. If this is checked, go to the Tax-Related tab and enter the tax rates and tax codes. |
Allow Comm Track Hotel/Car |
To allow interfacing of comm track bookings for Hotel/Cars, retain this checkmark. |
Allow New Client Profiles |
To allow ability to create new client profiles during interface, retain this checkmark. Processing stops so new client profiles can be created. When unchecked, processing does not stop for new client profiles and they are listed on the Processing Error Log to handle as an exception after auto processing. |
Read Booking Agent |
If only Read Booking Agent is checked, the PNR booking agent is the agent captured in the Agent Tab of the Booking. This is the default setting and only captures the Booking Agent. If both Booking Agent and Ticketing Agent boxes are checked, then two agents are captured in the Agent Tab. If they are the same agent, that agent is listed twice in the booking. If they are different agents, each agent is captured. The first agent listed is the Booking Agent and second agent is the Ticketing Agent. If no boxes are checked, NO AGENTS are captured. ALWAYS have at least one agent type checked. Discussion of commission override hierarchy 1. Trams will read the commission rate from the PNR 2. Next, Trams will read the commission rate from Utilities | Setup | Travel types 3. Next Trams will use the rates Default Rates in Agent Profile 4. Next Trams will use the rates on the General tab of the agent profile |
Allow Multiple Agents Per Booking |
When checked, multiple agents are interfaced into a booking. When unchecked, only the first agent listed in the interface record is captured. If any agents are assigned to the client's profile, those agents still are added to the booking. Any agents not processed from the record are listed on the Processing Error Log. |
Match Vendor Profiles by State/Zip Code or Match Vendor by Province/Postal Code |
During Interface Processing, check here to match vendor profiles by State and Zip or by Province and postal code. |
Ignore GST/HST For Int’l BSP Air |
Some agencies do not have to pay GST on Intl Air, so this option allows them to exclude GST on their Intl Air invoices during the interface process, without adding additional commands in the PNR. |
Allow Supplier Payments |
To allow payments for supplier type transactions to be interfaced, check this box. Recommend: Should Be Checked. |
Read Branch ID From I/F ID |
Applies to Sabre agencies converting from ADS or Travelbase. This feature breaks the Interface ID into two fields. The first three characters become the Branch ID and the remaining seven are used as the customer number. To use this feature, the three-character Branch ID must be in the Branch Table. |
Allow Comm Track on Exchanges |
To allow interfacing of comm track on exchanges, retain this checkmark. |
Allow New Agent Profiles |
To allow creating of new agent profiles during interfacing, retain this checkmark. Processing stops so new agent profiles can be created. When unchecked, processing does not stop, and new agents are listed on the Processing Error Log to handle as exceptions after auto processing. |
Read Ticketing Agent |
If the Read Ticketing Agent box is checked, then the PNR Ticketing agent is captured in the Agent Tab of the Booking in place of the Booking Agent. If both boxes are checked, then two agents are captured in the Agent Tab. If they are the same agent, that agent is listed twice in the booking. If they are different agents, each agent is captured. The first agent listed is the Booking Agent and second agent is the Ticketing Agent. If no boxes are checked then NO AGENTS are be captured. ALWAYS have at least one agent type checked. |
Auto-Create Hotel Vendor Profiles |
Checking here automatic creation of new hotel vendor profiles during processing. In order for the hotel profile to be auto-created, the Interface ID in the record received, must be more than 2 chars, i.e. Chain Code + Property Code. A 2-char ID does not auto-process. |
Default Invoice FOP on Neg Booking |
Check here where there is a discount line and it is desired that the invoice payment apply it to the negative booking. |
Allow Voids |
When Always is selected, invoices with voided tickets in them are accepted. There is no other warning other than a message on the Processing Error Log. For simple voids (single ticket, single payment), the system does not prompt for tracking and defaults to Yes to track the voided invoice. This option will not stop during processing the interface records. When Never is selected, no voids are accepted. When Prompt is selected, invoices with voided tickets in them are accepted, but a warning is given to allow the user to manually intervene and void the tickets. If multiple tickets are issued on an invoice, and one ticket is voided, void is ignored. Functionality has been extended to automatically void an interfaced GDS Void record even if the invoice contains multiple tickets or a service fee, if the client side of the booking to void is open. This would be a void of a booking and not the total invoice. This option will appear on the Processing Error Log and it does stop during processing. Manual Void- This will see the void ticket interface message. When you click modify this option will take you to an invoice query screen where you can view all bookings on the invoice. At this time you can choose which bookings you want to void along with the ticket. |
Allow Duplicate Ticket Numbers |
There are 3 options for processing Duplicate Ticket Numbers: Always (no prompt), Prompt, and Never. Always processes dupes with no prompts and lists warning messages on Interface Processing Error Log. Prompt gives typical prompt screens with chance to change ticket number. When Never is selected, the invoice containing the duplicate ARC/BSP ticket number booking (all travel types, MCO’s, etc.) would be processed, minus the duplicate ticket number booking. Any ignored duplicate bookings appear on the Processing Error Log to delete manually. To process, the user needs to change the option from Never. |
Allow Duplicate Confirmation #’s |
This gives the ability to NOT process duplicate Comm Track Car/Hotel bookings where the Confirmation # is the same for the same vendor. Set to Always to allow duplicate comm track car/hotel bookings; to Prompt for duplicate comm track car/hotel bookings; or to Never allow duplicate comm track car/hotel bookings. When Never is selected, the invoice containing the duplicate Comm Track Car/Hotel booking would be processed, minus the duplicate comm track booking. An ignored duplicate bookings would appear on the Processing Error Log. |
Allow Dupe Serv. Fee Confirmation #’s |
This gives the ability to NOT process duplicate service bookings where the Confirmation # is the same for the same vendor. Set to Always to allow duplicate service fee bookings; to Prompt for duplicate service fee bookings; or to Never allow duplicate service bookings. When Never is selected, the invoice containing the duplicate service fee booking would be processed, minus the duplicate service fee booking. An ignored duplicate booking would appear on the Processing Error Log. |
Prepend Worldspan Invoice Numbers when |
Example (when the option has been enabled by entering a 14 in the prepend option box): Worldspan generates invoice number 123456 during the interface processing routine the invoice number becomes 14123456 and this prepended number is what should be used when querying the invoice in the Trams database.