This article will outline the steps to track commissions in ClientBase Online by creating a Reminder for tracking, searching for the Reminder, and marking the Reminders closed once commission has been received.
Step 1: Add Commission Due to User Defined Field "Reminder Type"
- Go to Tools > Settings > User Defined Fields
- Click on the Field drop down. Move down and select Reminder Type.
- Select Add.
- Add Commission Due as the field name. Select Save.
Step 2. Create a Reminder for Commission Tracking
- In the Res Card, select Reminders > Create Single Reminder OR click on the Activities link and select Create Activity > Reminder.
- Fill in the following fields:
- Date of Reminder = First day of the month the commission is expected in
- Reminder Type = Commission Due
- Subject = Vendor, Amount Due, Invoice Number, Host/Vendor who is paying the commission, Return Date
Step 3. Search for Commission Due Reminders
- In the Activity Manager, select Go To Advanced Search.
- Fill in the following fields:
- Activity Type = Reminders
- Select Not Completed/Responded from the drop down
- Activity date:
- Leave the beginning date blank. By leaving this field blank, the results will include all prior reminders.
- Use the date formula =31,-1,0 to search for Reminders through the prior month. For example, if you run the search in June, the results will include all Reminders through May.
- Reminder type = Commission Due
- Select OK.
- Click on Select Columns.
- Select the following fields to appear in Fields to Columns. NOTE: You may need to select fields from Fields Available and move them to Fields in Columns (using the blue arrow). And there may be Fields in Columns that you may need to move to Fields Available. They do not need to be in any specific order.
- ACTIVITY: Reminder/Mailer Type
- ACTIVITY: Subject
- ACTDATETIME: Activity DateTime
- RES CARD: Trip Name
- Select OK
Step 4: Save the Search
- Once the search is complete, select Saved Searches.
- Select Save Current.
- From the drop down, select Personal or Global.
- Personal is a search available to whomever is logged in creating the search
- Global is a search available to anyone
- Select OK.
- This search is now available in the search drop down.
Step 5: Merge to File
- Select Merge Options > Merge to File
- Enter a File Name. Select Export.
- Select Save to save the file computer or select to your Open to view the file.
- The file will open in Excel.
Step 6: Mark Reminders Completed when Commission is paid
When commission has been paid, it is important to mark the Reminder completed. By marking the Reminder completed, it will not appear on any future searches.
- Run the Saved Search you created above.
- Click on the ‘gear’ to the left of the name and select Edit.
- Move down to find the Completed field. Enter a check mark to mark the Reminder completed.
- Enter notes in Remarks (optional).